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Natural hangover cures [tea/food/home remedies] from a Korean medicine doctor and the effects of exercise vs. sauna after drinking

by developer's warehouse 2023. 12. 12.

Today, we're sharing some tips from a doctor of Chinese medicine on how to cure a hangover. If you've had too much to drink and are suffering from a hangover, here are four ways to get rid of it.

Natural hangover cures [tea/food/home remedies] from a Korean medicine doctor and the effects of exercise vs. sauna after drinking Thumbnail

Nutrients that alcohol deprives you of and what to avoid

Alcohol becomes poison when it enters the body. Alcohol is converted to acetaldehyde in the liver by the enzyme alcoholase, and it is this acetaldehyde that is known to cause vomiting and dizziness. The process of detoxifying the toxins from alcohol uses up a lot of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and water.
Magnesium, in particular, is used up. Heavy drinkers are chronically deficient in magnesium, which causes their blood vessels to stiffen. Remember, harder blood vessels mean harder work for your heart.
Some people take seaweed the day after drinking to cure a hangover.
No way, it's not a good idea to put your liver through the wringer again after a long night of drinking.

An ingredient in the Donguibogam to remove alcohol poisoning

The Materia Medica contains dozens of prescriptions for removing intoxication.
One of the most common ingredients in these prescriptions is arrowroot.


The dried roots of arrowroot are called rhizomes, and the flowers of arrowroot are called rhizomes.


Arrowroot flower lignification


Arrowroot flower lignification is the best medicine for removing alcohol poisoning. However, it's not easy to find, so if you have arrowroot on hand, it can be a great antidote to alcohol poisoning.


4 Herbal Remedies for Hangovers

How to Make Arrowroot Hangover Tea

Add about 10 grams of dried arrowroot to a liter of water and bring to a boil. Once the water starts to boil, reduce the heat to a simmer and let it simmer for about 30 minutes, and you'll have the color shown in the bottom right. You can divide the water and drink it three or four times a day.


Add about 10 grams of dried arrowroot



Green tea

Green tea is also a great hangover cure.

The catechins in green tea are believed to increase the activity of alcohol-degrading enzymes.


Keep some good loose leaf green tea on hand and brew it strong and drink several cups the day after you've had a few drinks to help with the hangover.


When eating haejangguk, it's better to have a lighter soup than a thicker one.


Fish soup in the form of a geo, such as pollock, cod, or fugu, is a good choice.


korean Haejangguk



It's even better if you add things like bean sprouts radish buttercups and simmer it down into a clear soup.

Sprouts contain a compound called asparaginic acid. This ingredient has metabolism-boosting and liver-protecting effects. Asparagine also helps break down and eliminate alcohol from the body, which is why it is said to have excellent preventive properties, protecting against cranial nerve damage, alcoholic hepatitis, endocrine disorders, and sexual dysfunction caused by heavy drinking.

Radishes contain a large amount of fiber. This fiber helps to break down and eliminate wastes, making it a great hangover remedy. In addition, radish contains a component called 'catalase', which helps to efficiently eliminate 'acetaldehyde', the main culprit of hangovers.

Buttercup Soup

Sprouts, radishes, and buttercups are the best for detoxification, especially buttercups.

One of the flavonoids in buttercup, called persicarin, plays an important role in alcohol detoxification and protects the liver.


If you're not in a position to boil fish, you can simply add buttercups to the water and enjoy. Buttercup is the best for detoxing from alcohol.


Buttercup Soup


Exercise vs. sauna the day after drinking

When you're suffering from a hangover the day after a night of drinking, you might think that a good workout will help you sweat it out. However, this is not the case at all.

When you drink a lot of alcohol, your body goes into an emergency mode. It's putting all its energy into detoxifying and flushing out the toxins that alcohol has created in your body, so it's better to give your body a break so it can do a good job of detoxifying.


If you're tired as hell, distracting yourself by working out won't help your hangover at all - just get some rest.





Saunas are great, and getting into warm water and relaxing your body is helpful.

But don't try to sweat it out. After drinking, you need to rehydrate, not try to get rid of water.


It's even worse if you lose magnesium with sweat. Drinking alcohol, for example, depletes magnesium, and sweating it out is not a good idea.


Why Drinking Alcohol Lacks Magnesium

When you drink a lot of alcohol, the alcohol causes a diuretic effect, which makes you go to the bathroom more often. The urine that comes out of the toilet causes the kidneys to excrete magnesium. This causes your magnesium levels to decrease.

Alcoholic acid toxicity requires more energy and uses more magnesium, which is associated with energy production. As a result, you may become magnesium deficient.




If you're a heavy drinker, you may want to consider taking a magnesium supplement.

#hangover cures #home remedies #Hangover relief tea #hangover cure food

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