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Foods and Proteins for Hair Loss(food for hair growth | top 3) and What Happens When You Eat the Wrong Things

by developer's warehouse 2023. 12. 9.

Many people know that protein is good for hair loss, but if you don't eat enough of it, it can make your hair loss worse. Today, we'll look at three foods that are good for hair loss and explain in detail how you should eat protein.

Foods and Proteins for Hair Loss(food for hair growth | top 3) and What Happens When You Eat the Wrong Things Thumbnail


Nutrients for hair loss to know what foods are good for hair loss = protein

Today's topic is foods for hair loss.

When I see patients with hair loss, I often tell them that they need to eat plenty of protein.

This is because hair is primarily made up of keratin, a protein, and protein is an essential nutrient for hair growth and repair.

As industries become more sophisticated and stressful, more and more people suffer from hair loss and it becomes a hot topic, so many people take a lot of nutritional supplements for hair loss, especially protein to help with hair loss.

However, the important thing about protein intake is not to eat a lot of protein, but to eat a lot of good quality protein.

There are different types of proteins that can help with hair loss and different types of proteins that can't.


The relationship between protein type (animal vs plant) and hair loss

As we know, there are animal proteins and plant proteins.

The types of animal proteins we commonly eat are beef chicken breast eggs milk etc;

However, these animal proteins are high in saturated fatty acids and cholesterol.

While these foods are good sources of protein for healthy hair, consuming too much of these animal proteins can actually have a negative impact on hair loss.


In fact, I've been encouraging middle-aged and older people to eat a lot of animal products to try to get a lot of protein, and I think that can have a negative impact on hair loss.


[Animal Protein and Hair Loss].

Animal protein, such as pork, comes with saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. These saturated fatty acids increase the secretion of male hormones.

When that testosterone is released, the concentration of DHT, which is bad for hair loss, also increases, which in turn can worsen and accelerate hair loss.

DHT plays a particularly large role in male pattern baldness. DHT is one of the main factors that cause hair to turn gray, become thinner, and decrease in hair quantity. DHT acts on the hair follicles around the hair, causing the hair to become progressively finer and eventually shorten the hair growth cycle. This results in graying and thinning of the hair, which can eventually lead to the complete loss of hair.



What is DHT?

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is one of the metabolites of the male hormone testosterone. DHT is produced in the prostate and some other tissues by converting testosterone to DHT using the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. This hormone plays an important role in many physiological functions, including growth and development, sexual characteristics, and maintenance of muscle mass.



Daily Protein Intake and the Effect on Hair Loss

The recommended daily allowance of protein for adult men is 60 grams.

To get this from pork belly, you'll need to eat at least 500 grams of pork belly every day, as each 100 grams of pork belly contains about 12 grams of protein.



bacon protein

However, if you do this, pork belly is high in saturated fat, which is not good for your health.


Therefore, in order to meet your recommended daily protein intake, it is recommended that you eat protein from a variety of foods. For example, instead of pork belly, you should eat chicken breast, eggs, tofu, and other protein foods, which may require more servings than you think in order to meet your daily protein requirement.

Protein is important for hair loss, so you need to make sure you get enough of it, and that's not easy with food alone.


Are protein supplements good for hair loss?

As we've discussed before, it can be difficult to get your daily protein intake from food, especially if you're suffering from hair loss, so many people turn to supplements to supplement their protein intake. However, protein supplements can also cause problems with hair loss if taken in excess.

Here's an interesting study. Published in a sports journal, the study looked at creatine, one of the most common protein supplements used by health and fitness enthusiasts. After 21 days of creatine supplementation, creatine users had a 40% increase in levels of DHT, a hormone that causes hair loss, compared to non-users.
This suggests that DHT can accelerate hair loss in people who already have hair loss factors. So it may not be a good idea to take too many protein supplements.
In fact, the study doesn't actually prove that protein supplements cause hair loss, but indirectly, it's a possibility, so it's better to get your protein from food than from supplements.

Plant-based proteins for hair loss

Eating good quality protein in moderation is probably the most important thing you can do for hair loss.
In fact, while animal protein is important, it's best to include a good balance of plant protein in your diet.
The benefits of plant-based proteins are that they contain more unsaturated fatty acids, which inhibit DHT production, than animal proteins.
Plant proteins also contain very good antioxidants, commonly referred to as anthocyanins.
Anthocyanins scavenge free radicals from the body and promote good blood circulation.This allows for better circulation throughout the body, and good nutrients to reach the roots of the hair, which in turn has a positive effect on hair loss.

3 Best Plant-Based Protein Foods for Hair Loss

To get good plant-based protein, there are three things you can eat.

1. foods good for hair loss beans

Good Foods for Hair Loss First up are beans. The vegetable protein in beans has cholesterol-lowering properties, which reduces DHT production.
It also contains some vitamins.
Vitamins, especially the B vitamins, are important for hair health.
Beans are rich in a variety of vitamins that are very important for hair, including B1, B2, B6, lysine, biotin, and folic acid.
Some beans, such as frosted or black beans, contain more protein and nutrients than other colors. However, all types of beans are good for hair loss, as they contain a wide range of nutrients.
They act as a vegetable protein and contain a wide range of nutrients that are good for hair loss.

[What to look out for when eating beans for hair loss]
Beans are only 50 to 70 percent digestible.
Tofu is a good option because it's made from ground soybeans, so it has about 90 percent of the good vegetable protein in beans, and it's 95 percent digestible, which is important, so the good vegetable protein is absorbed.
Tofu is much more digestible.

As an added bonus, pure soy is known to be more digestible and nutritious.

foods good for hair loss beans

2. foods good for hair loss brown rice

The second one is brown rice.
Brown rice cooked with beans is very good for hair loss.
Brown rice is very rich in vegetable protein.
Brown rice raises sugar slowly compared to white rice, so it requires less insulin, which is good for your health and diet.
Brown rice has a component called driptophan and tyrosine, which is important for melanin production.
So it helps keep your hair dark and healthy.

foods good for hair loss brown rice image

3. foods good for hair loss nuts

The last food I'd recommend is nuts, like walnuts (except peanuts, which are high in fat and can increase male hormones, which can be detrimental to hair loss).
Nuts like walnuts have plenty of plant-based protein, vitamin E, and magnesium.
And the unsaturated fatty acid in walnuts, alpha-linoleic acid, is very helpful for vascular health.
So, nuts like walnuts are really helpful for hair loss because they can help correct the vascular problems that cause hair loss.

foods good for hair loss nuts image

Foods Good for Hair Loss Conclusion

While many people believe that protein is the only thing that should be emphasized to keep hair healthy, it's actually important to get a good mix of healthy proteins and a balance of different nutrients.

Frequently snacking on nuts while eating tofu, brown rice, etc. can be a great way to combat both health and hair loss.


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