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Ingredients for Hair Loss and How to Make [Coffee Shampoo] at Home | Hair Loss Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments Summarized

by developer's warehouse 2023. 12. 9.

Today, we will learn how to make and use coffee shampoo for hair loss, introduced by a hair loss specialist who stopped genetic hair loss, and learn more about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of hair loss. In particular, coffee shampoo is very simple to make and use at home, so I think it will be helpful to try it.

Ingredients for Hair Loss and How to Make [Coffee Shampoo] at Home Thumbnail


Symptoms of hair loss

While there are many symptoms of hair loss, it is recommended to prevent hair loss if you have the following symptoms:


  • My scalp feels tingly or sore when I press on it: If you experience a tingling or painful sensation when you press on your scalp, you may be experiencing hair loss.
  • You scratch your head frequently: If you've noticed a noticeable increase in the number of times you've been scratching your head lately, and your scalp feels dry, it's time to pay more attention to your scalp care.
  • Body hair suddenly becomes thicker and longer: For men, if you notice that your body hair, such as beard or chest hair, suddenly becomes thicker and longer, you should suspect hair loss.
  • Enlarged forehead: If you feel like your forehead is enlarged, you may be experiencing early signs of hair loss.
  • Losing more than 100 hairs per day Losing more than 100 hairs a day is an early sign of hair loss, and as it continues, your hair will become thinner and thinner and the scalp visible through the hair will become more and more prominent.
  • Oily scalp: If your scalp has suddenly started to feel greasy, it could be an early sign of hair loss and should not be ignored.
  • Thin, weak hair: Thin, weak hair can also be a sign of hair loss
  • Other signs of hair loss may include a difference in thickness between the front and back of your hair, or thinning hair on your scalp in certain areas;
  • A receding hairline or hair breakage may indicate hair loss.


Why does hair get thinner with age?

Thinning hair can be the beginning of hair loss. The reasons for thinning hair as we age have been linked to genetics, scalp inflammation, and stress.
  • Genetics: One of the main reasons for thinning hair is genetic influences. Genetic factors are very important, and the thickness of your hair can be greatly influenced by your family history.
  • Inflammation: Next, inflammation of the scalp has been linked to hair thinning. Inflammation of the scalp has been linked to hair loss, and inflammation can compromise the health of your hair and cause it to thin.
  • Stress: Finally, stress can also affect the thickness of your hair. Constant stress can worsen the condition of your hair, and is believed to be one of the causes of thinning hair.

How scalpitis develops and how it affects hair loss;

Scalp inflammation is caused by the scalp's overproduction of sebum, which absorbs harmful pollutants and is not cleansed. The process of scalp inflammation is as follows, and it can lead to hair loss;
  1. Oversecretion of sebum from the scalp: If your scalp is producing a lot of sebum, the
  2. Harmful pollutant absorption: Increases the amount of harmful pollutants on your scalp.
  3. Scalp inflammation: Lack of scalp cleansing leads to scalp inflammation.
  4. Causes microvascular inflammation: Scalp inflammation causes microvascular inflammation.
  5. Poor hair follicle blood supply: Microvascular inflammation prevents proper blood supply to the hair follicle.
  6. Weakened hair follicles and hair loss: Hair follicles become weak and hair gradually thins and falls out.

How to Stop Genetic Hair Loss?

Genetic hair loss is one of the most common types of hair loss, primarily affecting men. If you are diagnosed with genetic hair loss in a doctor's office, you can take medications such as Propecia, one of the drugs that inhibit 5a-reductase, to prevent hair loss.
When taking medication, it's most effective to start early in the hair loss process so you can control it and keep your hair.
To avoid losing your hair, it is important to take preventive measures from a young age, rather than taking medication later in life. This will allow you to curb the progression of hair loss in advance.
However, for those who are already experiencing advanced hair loss or thinning hair, an over-the-counter product like Pantogar®, which is clinically proven, can help treat hair loss by providing the microvessels with enough nutrients needed for hair growth, including amino acids, vitamins, and protein.

How to make a coffee shampoo for thicker hair?

Most importantly, it's important to see a doctor and take your medication. However, if you feel that medication alone is not enough, you may benefit from using a shampoo that can help treat and prevent further hair loss;
However, these shampoos can sometimes be out of your price range, so here's how to make a coffee shampoo to help with hair loss that anyone can do at home.

Benefits of Coffee Shampoo

The role of caffeine: The caffeine in coffee has the effect of inhibiting the release of DHT (hair loss-inducing hormone). This can reduce one of the main causes of hair loss.
Antioxidant effects of polyphenols: The polyphenols in coffee act as antioxidants and reduce inflammation in the scalp, which also has a positive effect on hair.

Preparing the Coffee Shampoo Ingredients

Coffee is an easy way to absorb caffeine and polyphenols, and here's how to use it to prevent hair loss.
  1. Coffee sticks or liquid brewed coffee with no frills or sugar mixed in;
  2. Shampoo you use at home (any shampoo)
  3. Cooking oil (canola oil, grapeseed oil, olive oil, etc.);
  4. Small amounts of water
Many people worry that using cooking oil will make their hair fall out, but that's not the case at all. Regular cooking oil is the same vegetable oil that's in the shampoos we typically use;
Preparing the Coffee Shampoo Ingredients image



How to make coffee shampoo

A tablespoon of edibles Add about the right amount of water (1 cup 120 ml).
Insert one coffee stick;
Add the amount of regular shampoo you normally use, about two pumps;
Simply mix these ingredients together and your coffee shampoo is ready to go;
How to make coffee shampoo image


Other shampoo ingredients to help with hair loss

In addition to coffee, brewer's yeast helps prevent and treat hair loss;
Brewer's yeast is rich in amino acids, proteins, and B vitamins, all of which are essential for hair growth and protection, and have been shown to help with hair loss. Specifically, in 10 patients with hair loss who consumed brewer's yeast for six months, their levels of follicular stem cell-derived growth factor increased by about 10 times. The biotin content is also effective in preventing hair loss or graying (bleaching) by making hair stronger and strengthening the scalp barrier. In addition, brewer's yeast has been shown to keep hair roots healthy.
Therefore, using a hair loss treatment or prevention shampoo that contains brewer's yeast may be helpful.

What are the latest treatments in the hospital for hair loss?

Coffee shampoos can be helpful for those in the early stages of hair loss or during treatment, but if your hair has become too thin, you may want to visit a doctor for treatment;
Nowadays, thinning hair can be made thicker and healthier through a treatment called mesotherapy;
Mesotherapy involves injecting small amounts of medication into the intradermal or subcutaneous tissues close to the area of hair loss. It is a traditional French medical technique that Pistole brought to modern medicine in 1952. Dr. Pistole described it as "a little, rarely and at the right place".
In hair loss treatment, mesotherapy stimulates peripheral blood circulation. By injecting nutrients into the dermis layer of the balding scalp and supplying them directly to the hair follicles, it helps treat hair loss by stimulating hair production and slowing down regrowth.
Masotherapy is a type of treatment used to treat hair loss, which involves administering certain ingredients to the scalp via injection. Common ingredients used in these treatments include cytokine exosomes, stem cell extracts, and PRP (using your own blood to extract the active ingredients).
By injecting these ingredients into the scalp through mesotherapy, thinning hair can be made thicker. These effects can be seen after two to three months of consistent treatments, during which time you will notice a change in the thickness of your hair.
Today we showed you how to make a simple coffee shampoo at home to treat and prevent hair loss. In addition to coffee shampoo, if you have hair loss, we recommend that you actively seek medical attention. In addition to coffee, brewer's yeast shampoo is also effective, so it's good to know that using these shampoos can also help prevent and treat hair loss.
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